Congratulations, You've made it!

I'm so excited you're here! As your New Hampshire Senior Portrait Photographer, I want to take photos that make you feel so good and make you feel so beautiful at this amazing milestone in your life.

I remember what it was like to feel that anything and everything was just over the horizon. Keep going, you're almost there!

What to expect

You may think ugh, photos. Especially if you're used to mom or dad telling you to stand and say cheese for every life event including winning a participation award during first grade soccer. If you are dreading taking photos or just don't think you need them, you don't, but then you're missing out on this once in a lifetime chance to show off to the world (and your parents) just how much you've accomplished during your college career.

Senior sessions are fun! Whether you are in a group, a couple, or individuals we will have so much fun listening to music, laughing, hanging out, it will feel like you're just with another friend. I won't make you stand for too long in stiff poses, we will have lots of movement during our session so you won't think for once second that you could be doing something else. In fact by the time our session is over you'll wish it was longer! I'm not just saying this, ask anyone I've photographed and they'll tell you the exact same thing.

Feel a little bit better?

Let's get to it -

Katie headshot graduation testimonial


This session was so fun! I felt so comfortable and so comfortable being “told” to pose certain ways. You could tell that you (Emma) knew what you were doing and that you wanted your visions to come to light - and they did!! I’ve always been so constructive on myself with photos. It’s so true that the way you see yourself isn’t the way others see you but it’s also so true that the way you see yourself can really get to you. I wanted to cry looking at these graduation pictures, in a good way!!!
